
We have moved to The Old School, Station Road, Goring RG8 9HB

The landline is now disconnected, due to the Clerk Team working part time, email is preferred:

General Queries- clerk@goringparishcouncil.gov.uk

Planning and Traffic, Transport, Parking & Pedestrian Safety – assistantclerk@goringparishcouncil.gov.uk

Streetlights, Signs & Street Furniture – facilities@goringparishcouncil.gov.uk

White Hills Burial Ground – whbg@goringparishcouncil.gov.uk

if you are unable to use email please call the Clerk on 07928 857549

or for the White Hills Burial Ground call 07516 035604

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FLOODING – Autumn 2024

The official page for help & advice : https://www.oxfordshirefloodtoolkit.com/emergency/

The County Council webpage:  https://news.oxfordshire.gov.uk/river-levels-in-oxfordshire/  contains helpful information and is being updated regularly.

Anyone can call the Environment Agency’s flooding hotline for advice and support at any time, seven days a week, on 0345 988 1188.

If any residents or businesses in South Oxfordshire are affected, please report the flooding here via the form at the bottom of this page: https://www.oxfordshirefloodtoolkit.com/emergency/report-flood/


See mock ups some possible refurbishments for the Bourdillon and Gardiner playgrounds on the Playgrounds Working Group Page

Casual Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

Notice of Casual Vacancy, due to resignation of Cllr S Bridle.

The Goring-on-Thames Parish Council has 10 seats, and currently is made up of 4 elected and 4 co-opted unpaid Councillors, a Clerk, an Assistant Clerk, a Burial Ground Clerk, a Facilities Assistant, and other support staff. 

We strive to represent the interests of the village and its residents.  The Full Council meet regularly, as do the various committees including Planning Committee, Finance Committee & Traffic Management, Parking and Pedestrian Safety Committee.

The Goring-on-Thames Parish Council office is at The Old School, Station Road, Goring RG8 9HB.

Please continue to contact us by emailing Clerk@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk, you are welcome to make an appointment to meet with the Clerk at a mutually agreeable time, however if you want to drop in, standard opening times are 09:30 – 11:30 each Tuesday and Friday.

Oxfordshire County Council (Expired) Consultation– Goring-on-Thames proposed parking restriction amendments

Oxfordshire County Council were seeking your views on the proposal to introduce new & amend existing parking measures in Goring-on-Thames. Specifically, the proposals comprise of the following measures:

  1. new ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions (double yellow lines) will be introduced on parts of Glebe Ride, Lockstile Mead, Lockstile Way, Station Road, Valley Close, and Wallingford Road,
  2. existing sections of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions will be removed on parts of Cleeve Road, Croft Road, Glebe Ride, Manor Road, and Thames Road (to facilitate changes below),
  3. new ‘No Waiting Mondays to Fridays 10am – 11am’ restrictions (single yellow lines) will be introduced on Cleeve Road, Grange Close, and Lockstile Way,
  4. new ‘No Waiting Mondays to Fridays 3pm – 4pm’ restrictions (single yellow lines) will be introduced on Lockstile Way, and
  5. amendments to existing Parking Places will include new time limited bays for up to ‘2 hours, no return within 1 hour, on Mondays to Fridays 8am – 6pm’ on Croft Road, Glebe Ride, Manor Road, and Thames Road, and for up to ‘2 hours, no return within 1 hour, on Mondays to Fridays 10am – 3.30pm’ on Cleeve Road.

The proposals are being put forward in accordance with OCC parking policy, for road safety reasons, to protect visibility and turning at junctions, to prioritise parking for short-stays in certain areas, and also assist with local parking needs for local residents. In light of this, please find the following documents below:

The proposals are scheduled to be advertised in the Oxfordshire Herald Series newspaper today; Wednesday 20th March 2024, and details are also available to view on the Councils consultation portal at the address below:


As stated on the notice, any objections or other representations on the proposals should be submitted by Friday 19th April 2024.

White Hill Burial Ground – Plot and Memorials Inspections

Following training by the Institute for Cemetery and Crematoria Management, Goring-on-Thames Parish Council will proceed with a full inspection of all memorial stones for safety.  We take our responsibilities for the health and safety of the public, staff, contractors, and all others who visit our graveyard seriously.  And recent staff training has highlighted the need for periodic checks of graveyard memorial stones to ensure their safety for all who visit the White Hill Burial Ground site.

During the inspections, each grave will also be inspected for its adherence with the Burial Ground Regulations.

If you are a current plot owner please ensure the Council is aware of your current contact details so we can contact you if there is an issue, an update form is available on this website along side all of our Burial Ground forms and regulations which can be found here.

You can also contact the Council directly for burial ground matters on: WHBG@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk

Reporting Suspected Illegally Parked Vehicles.

Did you know you can report these yourself? If you suspect a car has been parked illegally – on yellow lines, or outside the permitted times etc you can report them here:


You can do this from a smart phone too, you need the make model and registration of the vehicle and preferably also a photo plus the time and date of the parking.

The more reports there are for a specific area and time of day, the more likely that area will have an extra visit at that time.

Please sign up to our e-mail list if you wish to have updates from the Parish Council delivered directly to your inbox:

GPC is a local authority which makes decisions on behalf of, and represents the interests of, the people in the parish. It is the level of local government closest to the community, with the district authority (South Oxfordshire District Council) and the county authority (Oxfordshire County Council) above it in the hierarchy. 

Different tiers of local government are responsible for different things in our community.  Please see below a quick reference guide as to the main areas of responsibility of Goring-on-Thames Parish Council, South Oxfordshire District Council and Oxfordshire County Council.

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