Goring-on-Thames Parish Council (GPC) represents everyone in the civil parish of Goring, South Oxfordshire. GPC makes decisions on behalf of, and represents the interests of, the people in the parish. It is the level of local government closest to the community. The Council consists of the clerk and her team, plus ten parish councillors elected every four years – currently we have 4 elected and 6 co-opted unpaid Councillors, a Clerk, an Assistant Clerk, a Burial Ground Clerk, a Facilities Assistant, and other support staff. The Full Council meet regularly, as do the various committees including Planning Committee, Finance Committee & Travel and Transport Committee.
Different tiers of local government are responsible for different things in our community and the diagram above shows how the Parish Council works with the South Oxfordshire District Council and the Oxfordshire County Council and other agencies to deliver your services.
Sign up to our e-mail list if you wish to have updates from the Parish Council delivered directly to your inbox, you can unsubscribe any time:
Goring-on-Thames Parish Council has launched an Invitation to Tender for refurbishing one of its playground areas in the centre of Goring. Please see the Procurement Notice advertisement sent to the local newspaper, the Henley Standard. Here is the Invitation to Tender – Bourdillon or you can find the tender documents on Contracts Finder via :
The Council office is at
The Old School, Station Road, Goring RG8 9HB
You are welcome to make an appointment to meet with the Clerk at a mutually agreeable time, however if you want to drop in, standard opening times are 09:30 – 11:30am each Monday and Friday
NB. The landline is now disconnected, and due to the Clerk Team working part time, email is preferred:
- General Queries: clerk@goringparishcouncil.gov.uk (if you are unable to use email call the Clerk on 07928 857549)
- Planning and Traffic,Transport,Parking & Pedestrian Safety Committees: assistantclerk@goringparishcouncil.gov.uk
- Streetlights, Signs & Street Furniture: facilities@goringparishcouncil.gov.uk
- White Hills Burial Ground: whbg@goringparishcouncil.gov.uk (if you are unable to use email call 07516 035604)
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Storms / Flooding
White Hill Burial Ground – Plot and Memorials Inspections
Following training by the Institute for Cemetery and Crematoria Management, Goring-on-Thames Parish Council will proceed with a full inspection of all memorial stones for safety. We take our responsibilities for the health and safety of the public, staff, contractors, and all others who visit our graveyard seriously. And recent staff training has highlighted the need for periodic checks of graveyard memorial stones to ensure their safety for all who visit the White Hill Burial Ground site.
During the inspections, each grave will also be inspected for its adherence with the Burial Ground Regulations.
If you are a current plot owner please ensure the Council is aware of your current contact details so we can contact you if there is an issue, an update form is available on this website along side all of our Burial Ground forms and regulations which can be found here.
You can also contact the Council directly for burial ground matters on: WHBG@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Reporting Suspected Illegally Parked Vehicles
Did you know you can report these yourself? If you suspect a car has been parked illegally – on yellow lines, or outside the permitted times etc you can report them here:
You can do this from a smart phone too, you need the make, model and registration of the vehicle and preferably also a photo plus the time and date of the parking.
The more reports there are for a specific area and time of day, the more likely that area will have an extra visit at that time.