Playgrounds Working Group

Terms of reference
Members: Councillors Barbara Newman, Mike Stares, Toby Thurston
together with
Members of the public: Craig Dove, Laura Kelly, Chloe Morrison and Anna Povey.

The Agenda, Appendix and, in due course when approved, Minutes of the meeting of the former committee held on 27th April 2023 – 19:30 Gardiner Pavilion – Playgrounds Committee are Agenda_PlaygroundsAppendixA 

As recommended by the Public Spaces Review (Thirwall) in 2021 the Parish Council is planning to replace equipment at both the Bourdillon and Gardiner Fields. Working with a group of parents, the council have received possible designs and costing from 4 companies.  Examples of potential designs and equipment are shown in the below. The council will be moving to a formal tender process in due course. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Clerk.

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