Councillor Vacancies

Become a Parish Councillor

A person spec for prospective councillors whenever vacancies happen is available here.

The eligibility criteria to be a Parish Councillor are that you must be:

  • British or a citizen of the Commonwealth or European Union.
  • At least 18 years old.
  • Registered to vote in the area or have lived, worked or owned property there for at least 12 months before an election.

You can’t be a councillor if you:

  • Work for the council you want to be a councillor for, or for another local authority in a political restricted post.
  • Are the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order.
  • Have been sentenced to prison for three months or more (including suspended sentences) during the 5 years before election day.
  • Have been convicted of a corrupt or illegal practice by an election court.
  • Are subject to the notification requirement of or under Part 2 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003.

You may be disqualified following a conviction under the Localism Act 2011.

Further details available on the Electoral Commission’s website

For a summary of the roles and responsibilities of a parish councillor and an introduction to the work of the Parish Council, take a look around or discuss with the clerk or any councillor.

If no election is called, the vacancy will be filled by co-option, full details on the co-option process are available from the Clerk.

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