Goring-on-Thames Parish Council is made up of 10, unpaid Councillors, a Clerk, an Assistant Clerk, BUrial Ground Clerk, Facilities Assistant; Litter Picker & Cleaner. We strive to represent the interests of the village and its residents. We operate under the auspices of South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC). At the end there is a link to SODC’s page listing Details of Members’ Interests.
The following are the Goring-on-Thames Parish Councillors.
Committee membership
Traffic Management, Parking and Pedestrian Safety
Working Group membership
Public Space Sheepcot Development (chair)
Other responsibilities
email: S.Lofthouse@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Register of Councillor's interests (held at SODC)
Councillor since: coopted 2019, elected April 2023
Profile in April 2023 Goring Gap News "Parish Council election candidates"
I’ve lived in Goring for over 20 years. Although originally from Berkshire, I’d spent a long time overseas working with The British Council and European Union. On return to the UK I worked in education and also for Oxfam, eventually starting a small development business and then retiring. I didn’t really understand what a Parish Council did when I joined and I have been on a steep learning curve ever since.
I currently chair the Planning Committee and continue to find this very challenging. It is critical that I appreciate others’ points of view and take into account our limited powers to affect decisions. I also chair the Traffic Management Committee that has made many small improvements to Goring. At times it’s frustratingly slow as most decisions go via OCC Highways, but we do progress. Currently OCC is scheduled to implement a trial pedestrian priority lane in Station Road, as well as to initiate a consultation to review yellow lines and parking.
The open spaces review will give the upcoming council lots of work to move Goring forward: from new welcoming signs to expanded playgrounds, and hopefully new or expanded facilities to suit our changing village.
I feel strongly that everyone has a voice and that this village is for all of us. COVID-19 changed many things and showed us a strong community, but one that needed support in many ways. I’ve been working closely with the sports clubs in the village and know that there is a lot of hard work ahead to help make Goring better for all. I’ve supported the Football Club to obtain new equipment to improve our playing fields and will continue to work hard towards new pavilion facilities that will suit them and the Tennis Club. Once the Bowls Club had advised us they were closing, I supported Cricket in looking at new nets and re-purposing the bowls facility. I continue to support their goals and will happily look at options for the new Croquet Club.
I’m a responsible dog owner and walk around the village regularly, always happy to chat.
Committee membership
Finance (Chairman)
Planning (vice-chair)
Working Group membership
Other responsibilities
email: J.Emerson@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Register of Councillor's interests (held at SODC)
Councillor since: elected April 2022, reelected: April 2023
Profile in April 2023 Goring Gap News "Parish Council election candidates"
I was elected to the Parish Council (GPC) in April 2022 following a call by (over) 30 voters for an election rather than yet another co-option. I look carefully at governance details and have successfully proposed various changes to the Standing Orders and Terms of Reference of committees. I participate fully in Council business. I currently chair the Finance Committee, which I proposed be set up, and am a member of the Planning and the Signs Committees, and of two working groups. I am responsible for Whitehill Burial Ground matters, represent GPC on the Goring Poor Allotment Charity, and arranged for the repointing of the War Memorial (due to start on 18 April).
Before retirement I was a Professor of Astrophysics in London and served on many national, and several international, boards and committees, chairing some. These allocated substantial public funds for astronomy research. Latterly I led a £32million project which built a telescope and instrument in Chile’s Atacama Desert.
Since retirement I became the ‘Independent person’ advising the Chief Executive and Standards Committee of a London Borough on any complaints that their councillors broke the Code of Conduct. I also became production manager of the Goring Gap News and a Director of Goring Gap News Ltd, which awards funds to local good causes.
In my first year on GPC I saw various positive changes and would like to continue to try to ensure that it continues to develop its governance and operation to be more open and responsive to changes in circumstances. I want to continue to ensure that public funds are clearly spent wisely and efficiently. I want to promote more co-operation between councillors and villagers. I want to promote more evidence-based decisions and strategic thinking and planning. In view of the challenges of ongoing climate change I would also like to help GPC think about how it could promote local environment-friendly actions – a difficult one.
I am pleased to see new faces coming forward for election and hope to work with them and existing colleagues.
Committee membership
Working Group membership
Emergency Planning
Place and Assets
Other responsibilities
email: d.bermingham@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Register of Councillor's interests (held at SODC)
Councillor since: coopted October 2024
I have lived in Goring for 23 years, and my children have all grown up here. I love the village with all its vibrant communities, and a thriving voluntary sector. I am a keen walker, and in the summer months enjoy pottering up and down the river in our little boat. I have had several very diverse careers including the Army, banking, and latterly renewable energy. In 2014 I built and now run the biomethane plant near Ipsden which makes enough renewable gas for the needs of every house in all the local villages. I am acutely aware of the pressures faced by all towns and villages in terms of housing and critical infrastructure, but very keen that we try as far as possible to maintain the character and beauty of what is a very special village, and in particular protect ourselves from the ever growing threat of flood.
Committee membership
Traffic Management Parking and Pedestrian Safety
Working Group membership
Other responsibilities
Goring Fire Brigade Volunteer Trust Liaison
email: n.mallen@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Register of Councillor's interests (held at SODC)
Councillor since: coopted: February 2024
Profile in April 2024 Goring Gap News "New Parish Councillors":
I’m very proud to be a new Goring-on-Thames Parish Councillor. I have always loved the village and the people here. My family moved to the village nearly 40 years ago and I spent my teenage years here; I wrote a series of articles called the Generation Gap for the GGN back in the early 1990s. My career in school leadership and running a recruitment firm took me away, but I returned to the village at lockdown to look after my elderly parents. My mum ran the Drop-In at the Free Church for 25 years and my dad was an active Probus member. There is nowhere like Goring for its mix of beautiful environment and friendly inhabitants. I stayed and now I’m a part-time dog breeder. You’ll often see me around the village with at least a couple of fox-red labradors, so feel free to say hi!
Committee memberships
Working Group memberships
Other responsibilities
email: B.McKenzie@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Register of Councillor's interests (held at SODC)
Councillor since: coopted November 2024
As a resident of this parish in two stints of 11 and 30 years respectively, I both attended Goring Primary School as a pupil and was a member of the PTA while my children attended. Over the years I been actively involved in organising local initiatives such as the Goring 10K, Hairy Legs Challenge and the GAP Festival. My professional experience has been in hands-on operational roles growing successful technology businesses in the engineering software, semi-conductor and media spaces. Having exited these businesses, I now have more time available and joining the parish council will hopefully allow me to give something back to the village that has provided a great backdrop for myself and my family over so many years. I am particularly interested in improving the public amenities available to residents across their many and varied profiles to ensure Goring remains a fantastic multi-generational community in which to live.
Committee membership
Working group membership
Communications (Chair)
Public Spaces Playgrounds
Long Distance Paths
Other responsibilities
Gap Festival liaison
email: B.Newman@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Register of Councillor's interests (held at SODC)
Councillor since: elected April 2023
Profile in April 2023 Goring Gap News "Parish Council election candidates"
I’ve lived in Goring for over 30 years. My children were born and grew up here and we all feel lucky to live
in such a beautiful village. I’m standing for election because I’d love to contribute to ensuring our village continues to be a wonderful place to live for everyone in our community.
Professionally, I have PhD in Chemistry but have spent most of my working life in marketing and communications. The latter has given me a skill set that helps me understand people’s needs, the importance of listening and the ability to be creative and communicate clearly; the former gave me analytical skills to use when necessary.
I love working in communities. In 2012 I founded Reading Tango Club, a not-for-profit group that brings world class dance teachers to Reading. We run regular classes and social events and have provided dance events in the village for the Queen’s Jubilee, the Gap Festival and as part of charity fundraisers. I am also a founder member and committee member of a UK dance association, working with a team to encourage more people in the UK to dance.
When my children were young, I was chair of the Goring Playgroup association raising £30,000 for a new building for the playgroup. I chaired the Parents Association for my son’s school and more recently steered the marketing team for the first two Gap Festivals.
Goring has some exciting challenges ahead, from the Open Spaces Plan to ensuring the village has the amenities it need. I enjoy working as part of team. I think I have good listening skills and will be an active participant in the Parish Council.
Committee membership
Planning (Chair)
Working Group membership
Public Spaces Playgrounds
Public Spaces Sheepcot Development
Other responsibilities
email: m.stares@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Register of Councillor's interests (held at SODC)
Councillor since: coopted: February 2024
Profile in April 2024 Goring Gap News "New Parish Councillors":
I’ve lived in the area for over 35 years and moved back to Goring 12 years ago with my partner, Marilyn. With three grown up children and several grandchildren, I’m now retired having spent a career in business working for a multinational IT services company as managing director and chairman of various UK and overseas businesses and divisions.
Our attachment to Goring started when my family were growing up and I managed one of the Goring Robins children’s teams for several years. More recently I was co-chairman on the Neighbourhood Plan for four years from the start of the process through to the referendum in the village and the plan becoming law. I took up golf when we returned to Goring and play (poorly) at the Goring and Streatley golf club where I captained one of the teams for several years and now sit on the Captain’s Committee which helps to manage the club. My other hobbies include walking, travel, cinema, theatre and sport, particularly football and I am a season ticket holder at West Ham.
I look forward to working as a Goring-on-Thames Parish Councillor and helping to make Goring an even better place.
Committee membership
Traffic Management Parking and Pedestrian Safety
Working Group membership
Emergency Planning
Place & Assets (Chair)
Public Spaces Playgrounds
Other responsibilities
Village Hall Committee liaison
OJFS sale
email: t.thurston@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Register of Councillor's interests (held at SODC)
Councillor since: coopted May 2024
I am still a bit of a newcomer in Goring, having only lived here six years. I was born in London by the Thames in Putney, and have lived in Richmond, and Twickenham, and Kingston, so moving a bit further upstream to Goring in 2018 felt a bit like coming home. My wife is an NHS Consultant in Oxford, and we have three grown-up children.
In 2023 I retired from a long career in computing, and I enjoy having more time to get engaged in village life. I am one of the volunteer drivers for Going Forward buses, I fix computers at the bi-monthly Repair Café, and I help out in the Library doing one-to-one technology coaching sessions. I am a keen hill walker, and I have bagged all 282 of the Scottish Munros. But most of all, I enjoy cycling and walking locally, especially if the route includes a pint of Brakspear's beer or a bit of wild swimming in the river.
On the parish council, I am a member of the Traffic committee, the Communications working group, and the Playgrounds working group. I'm also taking a lead on developing our links with the Long Distance Paths that cross the village.
Committee memberships
Working group memberships
Public Spaces Sheepcot Development
Other responsibilities
White Hill Burial Ground Liaison
email: B.Urbick@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Register of Councillor's interests (held at SODC)
Councillor since: Co-opted September 2024
Committee membership
Traffic Management, Parking and Pedestrian Safety (Chair)
Working Group membership
Place & Assets
Other responsibilities
Twinning Association liaison
email: R.Williamson@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Register of Councillor's interests (held at SODC)
Councillor since: elected April 2023
Profile in April 2023 Goring Gap News "Parish Council election candidates"
I am a recently retired contracts manager, having worked in local government for over 30 years in West London. I am a strong believer in local democracy, something when you look around the world you realise how lucky we are to have.
I love Goring and the surrounding countryside and like nothing more than walking or cycling around this beautiful part of the world. I am also a keen supporter of public transport and regularly use the local railway services to London, Reading and Oxford.
Goring has a fantastic programme of events, which attracts local residents and people into the area, not forgetting the many groups of ramblers and cyclists who stop off here, all contributing to the local economy. I wish to serve on the Parish Council to help ensure the village remains a special place to live, shop, work and visit.
Clerk Team
Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer
e-mail: Clerk@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
For Whitehill Burial Ground Queries and applications please contact WHBG@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
For Queries regarding our the fabric of our buildings, open spaces, play areas and street lamps please contact Facilities@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
e-mail: AssistantClerk@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Responsible for Planning Committee & Traffic Management, Parking and Pedestrian Safety Committee
e-mail: WHBG@GoringParishCouncil.gov.uk
Responsible for Whitehill Burial Ground
This role's duties include operational management of the Recreation Grounds, Pavilions and Play Equipment Areas, and the Whitehill Burial Ground.