Requests to Tender

The Parish Council are seeking tenders for the following:

  1. Grass Cutting & Grounds Maintenance
  2. Grave Digging
  3. Tree Maintenance

The Council is seeking tenders for a 3 year period, starting 1st April 2023, with the option to extend for 2 further years.

In previous years Grass Cutting, Grounds Maintenance and Grave Digging have been one contract, however in the last tendering cycle a number of potential Grass Cutting contactors declined to bid because of the Grave Digging Clause.

We welcome bids from contractor on either Grass Cutting & Grounds Maintenance or Grave Digging or a combined bid of both using both forms.

The closing date for all is noon on the 1st March 2023 to allow them to be considered in a confidential section of the March 2023 meeting.

Full details of the contracts, specifications and how to bid are contained below.  Should you require an MSWord (.docx) version of the tender documents, please send a request to

Grass Cutting & Ground Maintenance

Pricing Spreadsheet Grass Cutting

Grave Digging


Tree Maintenance

To Follow.

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