Annual Accounts

Please click on the links below to view the Parish Council Accounts.

The council has now been issued with its 2022/2023 External Auditor Report and Certificate as the review has been completed, please find below the audited accounts.

An elector may inspect these documents at all reasonable times and without payment – by appointment with the Clerk.

Year Audit Documents  Accompanying Audit Reports Annual Reports for SODC
2023-2024 Electronic Version of Accounts
Notice of Public Rights
Variances & Explanation 
Asset Register
Bank Reconciliation
Earmarked Reserves
Reconciliation Box7 & Box8
CIL Report
S137 Declaration Report
2022-2023 Electronic Version of Accounts 2022-23
Notice of Public Rights


Variances & Explanation
Asset Register
Bank Reconciliation
Earmarked Reserves
Reconciliation Box7 & Box8
 CIL Report
S137 Report
2021-2022 Electronic Version of Accounts
Notice of Public Rights
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Asset Register
Bank Reconciliation
Earmarked Reserves
Reconcile Box7 and 8
2020-2021 Electronic Version of Accounts
Notice of Public Rights
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Variances Report
Asset Register
Bank Reconciliation
Earmarked Reserves
CIL Report
S137 Report
2019-2020 Electronic Version of Accounts
Public Rights Notice
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Variances Report
Asset Register
Bank Reconciliation
Earmarked Reserves
CIL Report
S137 Report
2018-2019 Electronic Version of Accounts
Notice of Public Rights
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Variances Report
Asset Register
Bank Reconciliation
Earmarked Reserves
CIL Report
2018 S106
2017-2018 Electronic Version of Accounts
Notice of Public  Rights
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Objection Response under Section 27 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014
Variances Report
Asset Register
Bank Reconciliation
Earmarked Reserves – Awaiting File
2016-2017 Audited & Signed Accounts
Electronic Version of Accounts
Notice of Public Rights
Conclusion of Audit – Awaiting File
2015-2016 Audited & Signed Accounts
2014-2015 Audited & Signed Accounts
2013-2014 Audited & Signed Accounts
2012-2013 Audited & Signed Accounts
2011-2012 Audited & Signed Accounts

* The unsigned electronic copies of the Accounts are posted to protect signatures, the signed originals can be viewed by appointment at the Council offices.

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